I will miss having beautiful kittens, but since Ray is no longer with us, it's time to 'retire' still, if you have questions about getting a kitten or cat, we will do our best to answer


We encourage you to ask many, many questions! If we don't know, we will do our best to find out.

A Persian cat is a beautiful animal with its glorious coat, and big round eyes. The modern Persian and Himalayan Cat requires a faithful owner! Grooming is absolutely essential to the health of your new kitten or cat. A few minutes each day needs to be set aside for grooming. Of course, this is a purr-fect time to interact with your new furry pal too.

Not up to all that fur, then please consider an exotic (this is essentially a short-haired persian, called the 'lazy man's persian')




more information on buying a persian from us


Why spay or neuter??? Please read...

Email me at nypersians@gmail.com about persian or himalayan kittens

Quote from "The Rules for Cats," by Fancy Mews

A word to expectant mothers: scout out the most comfortable birthing location in the house. Lingerie drawers are a favorite, but any site that holds expensive and delicate clothing will do. Make yourself comfortable at all times. Remember that nothing, nothing,nothing is more important than your own comfort