Old Local
Postcards and Photos of

1918 Farm Map
1864 Map East Half

North Main

Main Street

South Main

1864 Map West Half Memorabilia


GRANGE AVENUE (once called River St)


Grange Avenue begins at Main Street on the north side corner of the creek. There was a
building at this corner called the Cook Building which had fallen into the creek. Now is a little
public park area.

In the Cook Building, Daniel Lamson, born 1836, of Lorraine had a boot and shoe store and later
Lamson's Meat Market. I also remember a Billiards Hall and a clothes store being there. There are still steps
visible that walk down where the entrance used to be



Below, 1980

House once owned by Adelia Button being torn down by Ray R Dockstader



Below 1980:


Owned by Gordon Dobbins in 1980, was once a factory which manufactured salve and liniments. It was made by H O Kenyon and marketed
under the name of Dr Hale's Liniment. It was located on Grange Avenue, once called River Street. Later is was used as an auction barn

Below 1980:

Dr Austin K Hale, born 1850, son of Dr Austin P Hale, from Massachusetts, sold his salves and made them here. He aso was a
trustee of the Adams Furniture and Manufacturing Company established 1888. D A Dwight was the president. The building from
which they operated were two 50x100 feet and three stories and 50x100 feet, two stories.

Below 1980:


This building, was Ken's Auto Body. It was bought by the South Jefferson Historical Society. They were removing the siding which revealed these words underneath.
This is also the site where Will Dixon had his gun shop.



Do you have corrections or more stuff to add?? Email Me