Old Local
Postcards and Photos of

ELLISBURGH 1864 Map and 1829 Surveyors Map Ellisburgh Section


The village of Ellisburg resembled the above photo prior to 1908 when a devastating
fire swept through much of the business and residential area. Factory Stores homes and
churches were destroyed by uncontrollable Blaze.

BELOW: photo from 2005 Jefferson county Journal Commemorative publication:



Main Street Ellisburg prior to 1910. Beebee's General Store, Fred Martin's harness shop,
Frank Bonners drug store, George Weldon's General Store. The gentleman in the foreground
with the derby hat is John Hughes. He founded and operated a coal business in this area.
He received Cole via Schooner at North Landing.

Mr. Hughes died September 10th 1912 leaving his business to his nephew and niece John and
Isabel Hughes. John Junior operated the coal and feed business until he died October 39th 1854.
Isabel died February 10th 1939. BB's store was owned by Horace Wilds. Then Day and Spink.
Then Spink & Noble before being purchased by Braton Beebee. The store and harness shop
burned April 15th 1936.

Below in 1900
The Village of Ellisburg has changed considerably since the early 1900's when oxen were being used to transport goods.

Enos Eastman is shown with the team of oxen. The Stone Mills Flour and Feed business is shown in the background
near the North Branch of Sandy Creek. The Mill was constructed by Peter Robinson in 1828.



BELOW: photo from 2005 Jefferson county Journal Commemorative publication:





Ellisburg covered Bridge, later replaced by a steel bridge in 1913, furniture factory dam
in background




Ellisburg NY




This old school located downtown Ellisburg:


1909. standing left to right are Dean Washburn, Howard Barney, Mary Beebe,
Edmund Brooks, Fred Cooper, Howard Grant, Glenn Bemis.

Sitting are Genevieve Guernsey, Doris Washburn, Ruth Norton, Pearl Rawlings,
Lena Rawlings, Emily day, Francis Wilson, Barbara Bemis, Marie Wodell,
Jenny Lee, Alva Lee, Hazel Ethridge, Eva Grant, Eddie Rawlings, Andrew Nash,
Terry Monroe, Mason Lee.





Furniture Factory this view of George Hudson's Furniture shop and the dam on the South
Branch of Sandy Creek in Ellisburg was taken from the covered bridge nearby.

The photo from an old postcard dates back to the early 1900s.


BELOW: Hudson's Wagon Shop located on what is now know as Torrey Hill Road



BELOW: photo from 2005 Jefferson county Journal Commemorative publication:



Ellisburg post office... In left background through Mart Kibling's porch is the old
M E Church which burned in 1911.

Standing on post office steps left to right are Mart Kibling, Charlie Hudson,
DeWite Webb, Marsh Bemis. Sitting are Hazel Ethridge, John Hughes, unknown,
Rocco Nicole, Leon (Skinny) Thompson, children standing unknown.



The Guernsey house was opened and operated by Melvin Bovee and family.
This 27 room Hotel burned in 1908. The entire third floor was a ballroom.
The lobby and dining room were entered through the big door at the top of the
porch steps. The bar room and pool room were on the right side of the lower floor.
The dining room had several 16 foot tables which were always set.

Guests at side-by-side at mealtimes and were served American Style.
The kitchen was adjacent to the dining room in the rear of the building.
The hotel on five horses and several buggies and other carriages. Guests and others
left their horses and vehicles in the care of the barn crew.

Left to right are Kitty Bovee, Nellie Chamberlain, Melvin Bovee, Earl Bovee,
Glenn Bovee, Gladys Bovee, Matthews Alva Wood and Dr. Gardner.


BELOW a factory on Joselyn St





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